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An On-Demand, Digital Course to Help you Finally Solve the Mystery of: 

Where Do I Find Clients?

Led by: CMD (Chief Marketing Detective) Ronii Bartles and her trusty sidekick Lucy.

Stalker - An on-demand digital course to help you finally find your ideal clients

Are you an entrepreneur, coach, or consultant who feels like you’re entangled in a real-life thriller—one where finding new clients is an unsolvable mystery with a very grim ending?

Let me guess:

You’ve tried every marketing strategy that the “experts” told you about, but none of those strategies WORK. 

You know who your ideal client is, but you’re still not making any sales. 

It’s a case you can’t seem to crack. 

Why can’t you uncover the secrets to finding more clients?

What clues are you missing?

You have a mystery to solve, and fast—your business depends on it. 



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Your ideal clients are out there... they’re just staying hidden. 

You have to track them down and pull them out of the shadows, luring them to you (in a non-creepy and totally legal way, of course!)

When you “stalk” your clients the right way - before long, your cold case heats up.

Prospective clients & customers start reaching out - inquiring to work with you, buying your products & services, signing up for consultations, or hopping on your waiting list - eager for details on your next offer.  

But before you begin your investigation, you need a partner (or two!) 


Your Partner and CMD (Chief Marketing Detective) Ronii Bartles

Hey, I'm Ronii and I’m the creator of STALKER. My true gift is sleuthing out ideal clients, following their every move, and turning stalking into actual sales. I love helping people solve their greatest business mysteries and help them get into the hearts & heads of their perfect clients (because there’s a little stalker in all of us!) Unlike gritty detectives who chug stale coffee and scribble on murder boards, I make this entire process feel effortless. You can sip a glass of bubbly, sink in, and stalk… then watch the sales roll in.


Your Trusty Side-kick (Lucy)

Woof! I’m Lucy! My mom says my face is so cute that I need no introduction, but since this is a sales page and all, I thought I’d do one anyway. I help mom and her clients paw through clues to find people who will give them tons of treats & toys - which I think for human people that means they give you money. :) When I’m not working, you can find me under mom’s desk munching on a bone, waiting for her to give me a snuggle.



Once you enroll in STALKER, you get immediate access to:

  • The Three-Step STALKER System that will teach you who to stalk, how to stalk, and how to turn stalking into selling. 

  • A behind-the-scenes look at 3 stalker “re-enactments” - where you’ll get to see how the case to get clients is solved, whether you’re selling B2B services, products, or working in direct sales. 

  • A surefire plan to position yourself as a thought-leader and authority—so you can do less stalking... and clients start to flock to you.




Did you know that the average cost for a burglary investigation is $13,000 per crime?

Expensive, huh?

Now think about your business. How much money have you invested in classes & coaches to help you solve the case of finding more clients and making more sales?

I’m betting you’ve spent close to $13,000. Maybe even more! 

Let me ask you this: what is it costing you to keep trying marketing strategies that don’t work? 

Let’s close this case, once and for all. 

You can get the entire STALKER program for $197

I made the price of this program a no-brainer because I want everyone to stop their endless search for clients and finally have a satisfying conclusion.





Do you offer refunds?

Your purchase of STALKER is non-refundable. Please only purchase the program if you’re a thousand times serious about this work. 

If you’d like a taste of “stalking,” you can download my free worksheet: 10 Top Secret Ways to Track Down Clients

But I already did an ideal client exercise before. How is this different?

At the risk of sounding like a grumpy detective in an HBO series, most “ideal client” lessons and exercises don’t work. That’s because they focus on creating a profile or avatar, but don’t dive into the deeper things you need to understand, psychologically, to get people to buy what you’re selling. I have over a decade of experience in market research and ethnography, and I distill down my process in the STALKER program to help you ditch your old “ideal client” description and discover what works. 

If you’re still not convinced, let me ask you this: if you know your ideal client, are you making the sales you want? 

If not, you need STALKER. 

How much time will this take?

This program is self-paced, meaning you can binge it all in one sleepless night, or you can dive in little by little. 

Once you do your initial “stalking,” and follow the action steps outlined in the program, you’ll get to do less work trying to get clients, and enjoy more clients coming TO YOU. 

Will this get me more likes & follows? 

STALKER is about making sales, not vanity metrics. If you’re just seeking likes & comments for a fame bump, then this program isn’t for you. Likes and comments don’t equal sales. 

If you want actual sales, regardless of the size of your social media following, this program is for you!